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Recruiting Greyhounds for the Environment!

We are the Environmental Protection Club!

The EPC after its Beach Cleanup event at Pepper Park.

At Lincoln Park Academy, high school students have the opportunity to help safeguard the environment and call attention to global issues plaguing it, such as pollution and deforestation. Through advocacy and education, we strive to unite with those willing to aid in saving our planet and the human race. Do not be fooled, however; though the question of our environment’s future is heavy, we always search for engaging activities to have fun as a club, too!

What do we have planned?

At present, the EPC is scheduled to have its first beach cleanup on October 1st! Whether or not you are officially in the club, we encourage anyone with spare time and a ride to come help out!

Our goal is to have one beach cleanup per quarter. Other than that, the majority of our meetings will actually be spent working on our very own garden at LPA!

Join us!

If you are interested in joining EPC, we are “THE EPC” on remind (class code @theepc). Join our Remind for updates. For more information, contact Mr. Brady Sullivan on TEAMS. We, and the environment, hope to see you there!


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